I just read today's Gospel and was especially struck at the context Jesus chose for recommending humility: "When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet . . . go and take the lowest place so that when the host comes to you he may say, 'My friend, move up to a higher position.' Then you will enjoy the esteem of your companions at the table. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted."
I have spent the past two weeks (and plan on spending the next two) gearing up to give a morning of talks (Nov.12), a "guided tour" if you will, of the Book of Revelation. And our arrival at a wedding banquet is the goal of Revelation! We already participate in the banquet at Mass, "This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Happy are those who are called to His supper" (Rev.19:9). Jesus' words in the Gospel address how we should relate to one another within the Church! It is not a venue for trying to win esteem or propping up our egos; woe be to us, if we ever catch ourselves feeling superior to someone in the congregation. Each of us is loved by our Father, each of us living temples of the Holy Spirit - what higher "status" is possible? So however many hours we pray, studies on Revelation we lead, or Sunday morning donut socials we organize; we are all infinitely loved children with nothing to prove to one another, save our ability to look past our needy selves and appreciate the beautiful people who surround us.
The reflections of Shane Kapler - not a member of religious order or movement, but a garden variety dad - excited by what it means to be "just a Catholic."
(It's like saying you're "just a billionaire.")
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Special Education - "Spirituality" in Public Schools?
I heard a fantastic homily awhile back – well, the first part of it anyway. Father’s initial comments set me on a train of thought I will pass along in the body of the article. Father asked us to contemplate the incredible gifts that God has given us. He pointed out that we humans are the most complex life form on earth, and that it is our ability to think that gives us that position. He pointed out what a quantum leap human intelligence was. Other animals have "intelligence;" they can be trained. Other animals display emotions; my dog will whimper when he’s denied a treat. But only we human beings have the ability to step back and reflect upon our actions and words – and even our thoughts and emotions! And then Father said something that really jumped out at me: “We have a responsibility to develop our thinking powers, to grow our God-given intelligence. That’s true whether you are in MENSA or a special education classroom.” With that, my own mind was off to the races; I've had the privilege of working in special education.
Father’s words got me thinking about the downright “spiritual” quality to human intelligence. What do I mean by that? Well, we invest a lot of time thinking about things that are not composed of molecules, that cannot be investigated or confirmed in a laboratory. I’m referring to “things” like fairness and human rights. As my friend Michael Vento likes to point out, “Has someone ever seen a human right? How many inches long is it?” We take other nations, such as China, to task for their human rights violations. We expect a nation, a completely different culture on the far side of the world, to recognize them. We’re absolutely convinced these things exist, constructing our whole legal system upon them; and yet they are non-physical.
Our federal and state governments are convinced that every student, no matter how severe his or her disability, has the right to a “free and appropriate education” (FAPE in educational parlance), “in the least restrictive environment possible” (LRE). Interpretation: School districts must provide whatever staff and materials are necessary to make sure that every child can take part in the education process, and that the child should be educated alongside his/her regular education peers whenever possible. Speech-language, occupational, and physical therapists are there to facilitate that. For some medically fragile students this means hiring a personal nurse to accompany the student throughout his/her day. Children's educational rights have to be a substantive reality for the federal and state governments to devote so much money to them, don't they? The right to an education, like every right, is something immaterial; and yet we fight legal battles based upon our convictions that they are in fact real.
Can’t you hear someone coming at this completely from the outside though? “Shane, some of the children serviced in special education have conditions that will probably never allow them to progress past the age of three cognitively. Some children have conditions that will prevent them from living to adulthood. You want us to continue allocating millions and millions of dollars to this based upon something called a ‘right’? I don’t believe there is any such thing; you can’t show it to me! Don’t try to impose your beliefs (you can also read 'spiritual tenets' or 'religion') on me. We have a separation of church and state in this country.”
And what I would respond with, and I think the federal and state governments would have to as well, are the words Thomas Jefferson placed in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Government does not exist to create laws or legislate morality, but to safeguard people’s rights – the opportunities and treatment to which they are objectively due. “But how do you come up with these rights?” our objector might respond.
Wonderful question – like Jefferson, we are falling back on what at an earlier point in the Western world was called Natural Law. ( C.S. Lewis called it the Tao.) They are the truths that are self-evident to us simply from observation and the use of our reason, our power to reflect upon actions, words, thoughts, and attitudes. How did we arrive at a child who has a severe disability having the right to a “free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment possible?” Because we can see that this is a child, and we know that children have a right to be loved. Part of loving them is giving instruction and welcoming them into the community. And so, we must do this.
No one religion is being forced upon people, but there is this implicit understanding that there is an objective order, a standard of right and wrong, to which we human beings are expected to adhere. It doesn’t matter that someone feels an “overwhelming urge” toward a behavior the Natural Law recognizes as “wrong” –ask any person sitting in jail! The Natural Law - and the desire to pretend that it doesn't exist - is at the root of many of the social battles going on in our country. We'll look at a couple of those in upcoming posts.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Small Religious Communities for Individuals with Down Syndrome

Sunday, October 9, 2011
Catholic - the Toughest Way to be Christian
My post is simply to pass along a great insight from Kevin Lowry over at his Grateful Convert blog. I highly encourage you to check out his "The Toughest Way to Be a Christian." It, in absolutely no way, belittles other Christian groups. Rather, it witnesses to Kevin's experience as a convert that Catholicism - with its insistence on an objective body of Truth, the Pope's final authority in teaching doctrine and morals, and the ongoing insistence that Jesus calls us to change, to become perfect reflections of Him (Mt.5:48) - demanded that he renounce more of himself than did any other Christian community. And from my own experience of progressively embracing more and more of the Catholic Faith, I respond with a fat "Amen."
When I was in my early teens it was tempting to find a church I felt comfortable in, that appealed to my personal tastes. What a mistake! This God we are seeking tells us that His thoughts are not our thoughts, nor His ways our ways (Is.55:8). It can be tempting to "create" our own worship routine (I put "create" in quotes because we're really just isolating elements that already exist in the Mass, to the exclusion of others.); but the truth is, Jesus asked us to worship in one specific way, "This is My Body . . . This is My Blood . . .Do THIS as a remembrance of Me." Before I start going on let me come back to my original point - click the link above and read a good post.
When I was in my early teens it was tempting to find a church I felt comfortable in, that appealed to my personal tastes. What a mistake! This God we are seeking tells us that His thoughts are not our thoughts, nor His ways our ways (Is.55:8). It can be tempting to "create" our own worship routine (I put "create" in quotes because we're really just isolating elements that already exist in the Mass, to the exclusion of others.); but the truth is, Jesus asked us to worship in one specific way, "This is My Body . . . This is My Blood . . .Do THIS as a remembrance of Me." Before I start going on let me come back to my original point - click the link above and read a good post.
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