Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More on "Why You Can't Surpass the Mass"

There is such a variety of ways to pray:  reading Scripture, praying portions of Scripture such as the Psalms aloud, singing, praying silently, kneeling, sitting, standing, the Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, novenas, rote prayers, spontaneous prayer, communal prayer, etc.  All of these are good and beneficial, but they aren't the Mass.

It took several years, but I finally arrived at a realization:  Jesus said, "This is My Body ... This is My Blood.  Do THIS"  

I repeat those words to myself on the Sunday mornings when, for whatever reason, I want to stay home.  (I'm not the only one who has those Sundays, am I?) I can do all the singing and Bible study in the world right from my recliner, but what is that compared to the act of loving obedience Jesus showed to the Father by going to the Cross?  And Jesus' offering is what the Eucharist unites me to!  The Eucharist is the way God has told me to worship Him; how and why would I ever try to substitute something else?  My private prayer is nourished by the Sunday Eucharist ... and my private prayer disposes me to better participate in the Eucharist.  (I call it the "golden spiral" - in contrast to the "vicious circle" I encounter in so many other areas of life.)

More thoughts on the Mass tomorrow.

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